
111學年度日間部(含碩博生、轉學生、五專、四技、二技)新生體檢-9/1(Please complete your health check on 9/1)

公告類型: 新生專區
點閱次數: 4071

一、日期:111年9月1日 8:10-16:00。(五專、四技、二技生分學院進行,詳見附件一)
三、體檢費用:共650元。(碩博生、轉學生、國際商務新生當場繳交;五專生、四技、二技請於9/6-9/7 10:30~12:30班代統一收齊至保健中心F208繳交)。
六、住宿生請於8/31 晚上6:00-9:00至六宿前完成胸部X光檢查。

In order to improve and implement the school's health management and promotion work, and to further understand and care for the health of students, according to the "School Health Law" and the "Regulations for the Implementation of Students' Health Checkups" of the Ministry of Education, all new students are required to do a health check when they enter school. Early detection of physical defects and further treatment are to maintain and promote the health of the campus.Thank you for your cooperation.

1.Time:9/1 (Thur.) 8:10~16:00. (It is carried out by colleges, please refer to the attached file description for details)(Annex I).
2.Place: Wind and Rain Stadium(Annex II).
3.Cost:NTD$650(Master’s and doctoral students, transfer students, and international business freshmen should pay on the spot; others pay to F208 on 9/6-9/7 10:30~12:30.
4. Master and doctoral students, transfer students, and international business freshmen must complete all inspection items on the same day, and do not need to be carried out by colleges.
5. A blood test is required on the day. Before doing the health check, please remain fasting for 6-8 hours to facilitate the inspection.
6.Residential students should complete chest X-rays before 6:00pm-9:00pm on 8/31.
7. Please wear masks and remain social distance while taking body temperature and whole process.
8. Tel:06-2533131-2231.

發布日期: 2022/08/23 至 2022/09/23