
陸生暨外籍生醫療保險 Foreign students health insurance



  1. 醫療診斷證明書

  2. 醫院或診所開立之醫療收據及醫療費用明細表,不可以用藥房的收據。

  3. 如有台灣的存摺請附上存摺封面影本。

  4. 理賠申請書(可至保健中心再填寫)    

二、服務時間:有任何問題請於每週二 12:30~14:30時段與保險業務員洽詢。



  1. 這是醫療保險,無關死亡及殘廢給付。

  2. 這項醫療保險理賠範圍沒有限制(含疾病與意外;門診或住院、手術)。
  3. 門診給付:每日實支實付,限1000元內。

  4. 住院給付:a.每日實支實付,限1000元內 (病房費、伙食費、護理費)



  1. 每次看病皆須有收據,不能開在同一張。如:就醫5次要有5張收據,不  


  2. 申請保險期限為發生事故當日算起兩年內皆可提出申請。但仍建議同學就


Cathay Life Insurance Group
Foreign students health insurance Coverage 

 Service Hours:Tue. 12:30~14:30
 Service Place:Health Care Center (F208)

Need to bring proof:

1.Medical certificate

2.Medical receipts and medical bills issued by the hospital or clinic cannot use pharmacy receipts.

3.If you have a bankbook in Taiwan, please attach a copy of the book cover.

4.Claim application (can fill in to the health center)

Outpatient/Emergency treatment benefit:

  While this Policy is still effective, if the Insured suffers an illness or injury Daily hospital room benefit:

   1. Balance billing on hospital rooms .
   2. Food, except for nutrients provided through tube feeding .
   3. Nursing care fee excluding special nurse fee.
  However, the payment of benefit shall not exceed the limit of 1000 NTD

Hospital miscellaneous benefit:

While this Policy is still effective, if the Insured suffers an illness or injury
  and receives treatment at a hospital as an inpatient, the company will
  reimburse the following expenses incurred.
   01. Physician instructions medication.
   02. Blood, except for blood transfusions deemed necessary by a doctor
       providing emergency care
   03. Registration fee and cost of obtaining related certificates
   04. Ambulance fee.
   05. Operation fee.
   06. Operation room, post-operative recovery room, emergency room
      and the application of its equipment.
   07. Materials fee.
   08. Laboratory tests, electrocardiogram, basal metabolic rate check.
   09. Rehabilitation therapy.
   10. Anesthetics, oxygen, and its application.
   11. Therapeutic  radiology.
   12. Hemodialysis.
   13. Injection and its liquid medicine.
   14. Laboratory examination.
   15. Treatment.
  However, the payment of benefit shall not exceed the limit of 120,000
(per hospitalization).

The provisions of the insured

Insurer qualifications:Limited to foreign students(including Mainland China
             students and Overseas Chinese students).
Insured age limit:From 15 years old to 50 years old. Insured’s name shall
           be specified in the policy
Policy period/term:One year.
Premium mode:Yearly, Half yearly, Quarterly ,Monthly

  1.The above information is for reference only. For details of the terms
   and conditions, please refer to the policy contract (Chinese version).
  2.The terms and conditions of insurance policy (Chinese version) shall
   prevail if there is any inconsistency between the above information
   and the insurance policy.
  3.The application period for insurance can be submitted within two
   years from the date of the accident.


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